Xinyi Li

Your blog post on the effective way of learning explained the Dual Coding Theory, and also expressed your thinking about future presentations. You follow the pre-training principle because you explained the Dual Coding Theory in advance, and you also follow the redundancy principle, because you presented all the same information in one format. I wonder if you could add references at the end of your post to indicate the source of the video, and try to be careful with the spelling of few words?

Effective Way of Learning


Sydney Ellis

You did a very good job in explaining the principles that Dr.Pastore did not follow in his video, and also showed your critical thinking on why an expert might not follow every principle. Excellent video on how to determine measures using Excel. I wonder if you may add subtitles between paragraphs to make it more clear for the reader? Overall it was an excellent blog post.

Topic 3: Multimedia Learning Principles


Sydney Wood

-Showed your critical thinking about lesson plans and multimedia principles that relate to H5P interactive video. Excellent job.

-Perfect H5P interactive video on the frequency bar chart in Excel, followed the signaling principle, spatial and temporal contiguity, and feedback principle.

-I wonder if you may try to separate your paragraph into more paragraphs, to make the readers easier to read.

The Design Process and Lesson Planning