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Evalute H5P Interactive Video and 360-Tour

Evaluate H5P interactive video 

SAMR Model is consists of 4 layers, substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. According to the SAMR model for technology integration, I would say that my H5P interactive video from last week sits on the third layer of the SAMR spectrum. The H5P interactive video contains the basic knowledge that a student should get, which is the principles that Dr.Ray did not mention in his video. The video changes the form from writing the text to video storytelling, and it also adds a pop-up question, which allows for significant task redesign.


Reason for choosing SAMR framework

I choose the SAMR framework is because this framework has only for layers, but the SECTIONS model has 8 things to consider. I would say that the SECTIONS model might be more considerable and precise, however, the SAMR model is good enough to evaluate the efficiency of a multimedia learning tool.

List and discuss the multimedia principles that are related to H5P video

  1. Redundancy Principle: The principles are listed on one page and people are easy to read
  2. Signaling Principle: Principles that are not mentioned are highlighted.
  3. Feedback Principle: The popup question gives feedback to people.

360-Tour website,2.3374186,58.78442427a,973.73665533d,30y,0h,0t,0r/data=MicKJQojCiExZ3QwZlo2bHZ4ODB2cWNiU0I5LTFmMkdxYXZzRTJ5U0o


Pro Tips. (2017). SAMR Model: A Practical Guide for EdTech Integration [Image]. Retrieved from

Using H5P to Create An Interactive Video

Reason for creating a lesson plan beforehand

There are two major parts in a design process based on the timeline, lesson plan, and content. A lesson plan should have five parts, goal, prior knowledge, structure, delivery, and content. A lesson plan is used for the speaker to think about what is the goal of the multimedia lesson and what are the contents. Creating the plan beforehand will help the speaker to do effective researches and do less unnecessary work. A lesson plan allows the speaker to think precisely what are the learning objectives and what he/she needs to create in his multimedia learning object. Randomly create an object will reduce the quality of the multimedia learning.

Principles that directly relate to videos with popup text and embedded questions

Spatial & Temporal Contiguity Principle: Video pictures and the popup text come close to each other

Signaling Principle: Popup text is a kind of highlighting key information

Feedback Principle: The embedded question gives feedback to the learner.


Jones, S. (2018). 3 REASONS WHT IT IS IMPORTANT TO PLAN LESSONS [Image]. Retrieved from

Week 3 blog

There are 17 Principles of Multimedia Learning lists in the Cambridge handbook.
In the video, Dr.Ray Pastore explained some of these principles, but not all of them. The principles that he did not follow are explained in the following video. When creating a multimedia learning object, the reason why an expert might not be able to follow all the principles is that those principles conclude all the expects of making a multimedia learning object. Also, since there are so many principles, an expert will use the fittest principles to support the learning objectives.

The multimedia principle, modality principle, redundancy principle, signaling principle would apply to a PowerPoint presentation in a classroom. Because those principles stated that when making a PowerPoint, you want to add graphics to help you explain things and also highlight the key information and so on.


Marketing Mix Introduction Example Ppt Presentation. (2021). [Image]. Retrieved from

Week2 blog

The Dual Coding Theory was about learning knowledge using both texts or graphs and sound. After learning the theory, I would add both texts and pictures in my PowerPoint slides. However, I would lower the percentage of my texts, because reading the slides would reduce the learning effectiveness.

The concept of Flow is important to talk about in classes about learning and education. Moreover, people are getting used to learning online, therefore the concept of Flow is needed to talk about. Learning the concept of Flow would help us learning and thinking how to better use multimedia to attain the state of flow in the classroom.

This course is about Interactive and Multimedia Learning, which is more concentrated on learning.  Learning theories are necessary to learn in this class because only when we are understanding the learning theories, can we think about how do we create more effective presentations and other interactive learning.


Kelly, J. (2012). learning theories [Image]. Retrieved from

Week1 Bolg

In the example of Rich’s son playing the web-based game, he plays the game without knowing he is. The game is a typical example of interactive and multimedia because the figure shows in the video, the game shows how viruses and disease spread around the world using texts and pictures. The game gives knowledge using multiple media.

One example I can think of that made a positive impact on me was my high school science teacher. She loves brainstorming and group discussion. Also, she usually plays games with us in class. Such as match the pictures with the names. We learned a lot with fun and joy. I wanted to be an educator since taking a class with her because she made my science class enjoyable and made me think that taking classes is fun. In my previous classes, I did presentations with slides to make my presentation impactful. In the slides, I would add figures such as pictures and charts to help me explain the concepts.


Rich McCue(2021)What is Multimedia and Interactive Learning, and Why is it Important ?

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Test Learning Design Post

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